What we all want
Consider this, folks;
Men tend to dislike women who are perceived as whiny, clingy, possessive, dependent. It would seem that we want our other halves to be more independent, more determined, assertive (yet not too confrontational) and rational. Much as men perceive themselves to be.
Women, in my observation of the species, see men as aggressive, insensitive, unfeeling, closed-minded. It seems they want their men to be empathic, understanding, conciliatory, open-minded. Much as women perceive themselves to be.
So for all our talk of trying to understand the opposite sex, is it in fact the case that all we want is another version of ourselves? Is the whole human race basically narcissistic?
We are basically narcissistic and that's proven as far as I know.
Wise men dub the only state in which no conflict occurs - inertia.
Holistic New Age hippies will argue that Mother Nature did a good job, but then the patriarchal Indoeuropeans came in and, like, enslaved women, and, you know, weren't pro-animal rights, and like... well, bad stuff like that!
Then again, we've got the contemporary secular humanist bastards preaching non-violence, compromise, and other crap which is either blatantly unrealistic, or suddenly breaks apart after a certain period. (Hey, dumping toxic waste into the river left us with more cash for any future endeavours! Well, it seemed like a good idea back in the 19th century).
I could name zounds of examples of how moralistic dogma keeps on getting constantly bleated at the slightest hint of conflict, but why bother?
Also sprach T.S. Eliot:
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Conflict breeds possibilities and signifies that we're not over yet.
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