Ten things are weird about me
1. I have never eaten a taco, burrito, or enchilada; in fact, I am not even sure what the latter two are composed of.
2. I have no need to set an alarm; irrespective of what time I have to get up, or even what time I go to bed the previous day, I somehow always contrive to wake up in time for whatever I have to do.
3. The last two songs I performed in front of an audience were 'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen and 'The one I love' by REM.
4. The last time I drove a car was in June 1991.
5. Despite being a firm adherent of logic and rationality, I firmly believe that the number 13 will bring me good luck in any situation I encounter it in. (This is probably connected to my birthday being on the 13th.)
6. On this same basis, I always walk under ladders whenever possible.
7. I started to learn Japanese in 1979, when a high-schooler in Otaru, Hokkaido, entirely unprovoked, sent me an airmail letter in Japanese. But even now I wouldn’t be able to sustain a simple conversation in Japanese.
8. I always sit by the aisle in planes, so that I can walk around and go to the bathroom a) as efficiently as possible, and b) inconveniencing as few other people as possible.
9. Sometimes I tune my radio to white noise (the ‘snow’ sound of an empty channel) to help me clear my thoughts and relax.
10. I always speak English to airport staff, even if I speak the local language well; I feel that they could use the practice. But I always conclude my transactions with them by saying ‘Thank you’ in the local language.
What are ten weird things about you?