Thursday, May 15, 2008

Ten things are weird about me

1. I have never eaten a taco, burrito, or enchilada; in fact, I am not even sure what the latter two are composed of.

2. I have no need to set an alarm; irrespective of what time I have to get up, or even what time I go to bed the previous day, I somehow always contrive to wake up in time for whatever I have to do.

3. The last two songs I performed in front of an audience were 'Hallelujah' by Leonard Cohen and 'The one I love' by REM.

4. The last time I drove a car was in June 1991.

5. Despite being a firm adherent of logic and rationality, I firmly believe that the number 13 will bring me good luck in any situation I encounter it in. (This is probably connected to my birthday being on the 13th.)

6. On this same basis, I always walk under ladders whenever possible.

7. I started to learn Japanese in 1979, when a high-schooler in Otaru, Hokkaido, entirely unprovoked, sent me an airmail letter in Japanese. But even now I wouldn’t be able to sustain a simple conversation in Japanese.

8. I always sit by the aisle in planes, so that I can walk around and go to the bathroom a) as efficiently as possible, and b) inconveniencing as few other people as possible.

9. Sometimes I tune my radio to white noise (the ‘snow’ sound of an empty channel) to help me clear my thoughts and relax.

10. I always speak English to airport staff, even if I speak the local language well; I feel that they could use the practice. But I always conclude my transactions with them by saying ‘Thank you’ in the local language.

What are ten weird things about you? :)


Blogger eva said...

Jim, I'm sorry to say so but your ten weird things are really not so weird at all. See below:

1. There are probably hundreds other things you haven't tried either
2. Ok, this one is a little weird, I'll give you that
3. The last one I did was Master of Puppets by Metallica in front of my stupefied kids - top that!
4. Millions of people don't drive at all, I'm sure some of them are British...
5. I love black cats - does it make me a witch?
6. I walk under two-legged electric posts, I don't know if you know the type, on purpose!
7. That's hardly surprising - you are either dumb or don't study hard enough, sooo, which is it, Jim?
8. Or maybe you are scared of looking out the window?
9. Loud rock music serves the same purpose for me, what does it say about me?
10. How altruistic of you! What about getting a special treatment from airport staff?

I'm just joking so don't get offended. Still, I think you can do better than that on weirdness. But it could be too drastic to have it spilled all over your blog, right?

5:35 pm  

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